Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 12, 2014

My Favorite Apps

I do not have an Iphone, I have an Ipod because I don't have to pay for a data plan that way.  My favorite apps on it are:

1.  The camera app. The pictures aren't the best quality but it is always with me and I can capture the best moments with my family on it and send them where ever I want to.  When I post them on Facebook my husband's parents can see the grand kids at their sports events or school programs

2.  The email app. I can look at my email and send them anytime I need to wherever there is Wifi, and nowadays it's almost everywhere. 

3. The utilities app. Yes, I use the calculator when doing my bills. The contacts app allows me to take all of my friends and families information wherever I go.  You never know when your going to need them.

4.   My news apps, CNN, KSPR, KOLR10, KYS NEWS, FOX NEWS, The Washington Post, The Onion, Time Mobile,Flipboard, Stumbleupon and NPR news.  I could read the news all day long and never get bored.  If any body knows of any other good news apps, let me know.

5.  Word of the Day.  I Love Words!  The written word has changed history, it has changed lives, and will live on forever, now matter how advanced we become as humans. Today's word is inveterate. This means old; firmly established by long continuance; of long standing; obstinately deep-rooted; as an inveterate disease.

6.  Pintrest.  No deep thought required, just fun entertainment. 

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