Saturday, July 19, 2014

Assignment 7.6-Fluency Journal/Blog Reflection

My blogging successes have been that I have been able to do this everyday with a different subject every day.  Coming up with a new blog everyday is quite taxing on the brain.
 The challenges have been to keep my blogs interesting and just how personal should they be?  As Ms. A. said you don't want to invade your own privacy.
 I liked how it felt like therapy sometimes.  Just getting out what you don't talk about to a lot of people, because it's too sad or frustrating. The letter to my dad was very hard, but I wanted to do it, especially after reading Joshua's letter to his friends.
I hated trying to keep it fresh every day.  After a long day at work it was hard some days to sit down at the computer and compose a blog out of thin air.  Just who looks at these blogs anyway?  What makes a blog successful?
As a writer I have learned to not include so many useless words that don't make sense or clog up the sentence. I found myself using the word just a lot, and I have stopped doing that as much as possible. I have learned that after researching what I am talking about makes it easier to write about it. I don't think that I have gotten better and what I mean by that is you either have the talent to write really good and interesting blogs or books or essay's or you don't.  I don't possess that type of writing ability, as hard as I tried to write with flair, the harder it became. My vocabulary is too limited and I am working on that with apps and internet searches.
This was the first time that I blogged and the process of creating the initial profile and setting up the page was pretty easy for not knowing what I was doing.  I can see how someone could create a business with a blog, there are many people that have made a career out of it, I don't think I am that creative but what a great business to have.  You could work from literally anywhere.

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